Friday, November 12, 2010

Our First Home!!

This has taken me entirely too long to post, but here it finally is! After 7 months in our new home, you can see if for yourself, haha. These are just a few pictures to show what it's like. This first picture is what you see when you walk through the front door...our dining room, with kitchen straight ahead and living rooms up to the right. 

This is just another angle of the dining room, with the front door on the left. I love the table and china cabinets that Mrs. Dawes gave to us, and I love that map on the wall of St. Lucia that we got there on our honeymoon. 

Here you have our kitchen, which, quite frankly, Kyle uses more than I do. But, now that volleyball is done I plan to change that! (Although everything Kyle makes is very good!)

These next two pics are of the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Dawes helped us paint it blue right before the wedding. We're still adding touches here and there to make it our "home".

The hallway leads to our bedroom and bathroom, as well as the laundry room. I'm making this sound bigger than it is...the laundry room is in the same hallway as the bathroom. That's better :) I do love the little table that Kyle painted black though, good job hun! And just a quick shot of our bedroom, because it's not finished yet either :)
Last but not least...the bathroom :) 

Well, there you have it! Our first home :) We love it, and have made it truly our "home". 

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