Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!

Now that we're caught up on recent times, i can brag a little about how wonderful my valentine's day was yesterday :) I had work and practice, so Kyle had said he would make dinner, and we'd just do something low-key at home since I wouldn't be home till later. Boy, was that an understatement! He outdid himself this time. I got home to a candle-lit apartment and roses on the table :)  

Kyle even allowed me time to shower and get comfortable before dinner. Dinner was probably the best I've had in a long, long time...and Kyle made it all himself, so I felt the need to document it ;)

Our first course was shrimp in a garlic-butter sauce, which was delicious!

The second course was a spinach salad, with some kind of sweet oranges, cheese and a red wine vinagarette dressing. Really, really good! :)

Our third, and main, course was an absolutely perfect filet mignon. We had potatoes and a red wine sauce to go with the steak. I was (and am) still so impressed with Kyle and his culinary skills!

And our last, but definitely least course, was dessert...dark chocolate fondue with strawberries, banana's and cheesecake to dip in! And notice the absolutely adorable way he placed the cheesecake and fruit in a heart shape?? :)

And if that wasn't enough, he got me a gift certificate for a massage! What an absolutely sweetheart! And he did all of the dishes! ALL OF THEM! I continue to thank God for how richly he has blessed me with such a sweet, kind, caring, considerate, romantic, wonderful husband!!

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