Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long overdue...

It has been wayyyyy too long since I've last posted! I really need to get better at this. Anyway, lots has happened since my last post...Katelyn and Alex got engaged! Woohoo! So excited for their big day, coming up in November. Christmas and New Years has come and gone, although I loved having our apartment decorated for Christmas...and even more, I love going to Disney to see the Christmas lights. It really is a magical place that time of the year!

After the holidays we headed back to work and club volleyball began. i have a great group of sweet-hearted girls, and enjoy getting to spend time coaching them. Kyle has been on the hunt at Disney for potential job opportunities, and just a few weeks ago was put into a manager's pool, which was very exciting! Now he just waits to find out where he will be placed, once they need him. 

Life has fallen back into our everyday routine, and I thank God everday for blessing us with each other, our wonderful families and friends, our health and our jobs. We truly are so blessed!

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