Friday, May 28, 2010

How it all began...

I guess I should give a little background information first...:) I moved down to Florida 3 years ago this August. My wonderful Dad drove me down with the few belongings I had and helped me unpack them into an adorable little house with two roommates, only one of which I had briefly met before. Fortunately for me, God is an awesome provider, and Jodye, Ashley and I became fast friends. (Possibly due to our mutual love of free things :))

The following summer,(around the beginning of May 2008) I was going on my 4th trip to Nicaragua with Ignite International, to take a volleyball team and compete with their national team, as well as host a number of volleyball clinics in cities across the country. Being that it was my 4th summer in a row going there, I was finding it difficult to raise the funding I needed to get there. My wonderful roommates had the brilliant idea of throwing a cinco de mayo party, as a fun way to raise some extra money for the trip. It was at this party that it all began ;) A friend from our small group brought along two friends...who quickly became very important parts of our lives. 

And so began the start of a beautiful friendship...which for Kyle and I, turned into more than friendship :) 

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