Friday, May 28, 2010

An important question...

My birthday weekend is always a crazy weekend. Every year our school hosts a volleyball tournament call "The tournament of Champions". This past year (2009) the tournament started Friday night, October 23rd. Our team was seeded first in our pool, even though we had a rough start to our season. We finished the evening winning our pool, ready for a few tough matches the next morning. Saturday morning, October 24th, we started things off well again, beating two teams to get to the championship game against Bishop Moore, currently ranked #1 in the Orlando super six, and unbeaten by any Central Florida team. 

Kyle was there to cheer us on (such a sweet boyfriend :)) We had decided that since the tournament would take most of the day, we would celebrate my birthday on Sunday. Kyle had mentioned that after church Sunday, he would need to take me home first, to "get a few things ready" first...which of course got me thinking (and secretly hoping) that what he was getting ready would be some sort of engagement ring ;) While on a break at the tournament, he asked if I wanted my present tonight, instead of tomorrow (which was his way of throwing me off the trail, very clever Dawes). I said no, still secretly hoping my present was that ring. But I did mention, just on the off chance that I was right, that if he ever did ask me to marry him, he'd need to ask my Dad first, haha, making sure I covered all the bases ;)

After that break, our girls went on to beat Bishop Moore, winning our tournament and beating a very talented volleyball team! It was a great birthday present!

As planned, we went to church Sunday morning, Kyle dropped me off at home after, and went to get "whatever he needed to get ready" ready :) I took a nap, and awoke to Kyle saying I should have been ready, and we had to go! So we jumped in to the truck and headed west...when Kyle finally told me that we were going to the beach to have a sunset picnic. How romantic, i know :) All the while, i was talking myself out of a proposal, saying that no matter what happened that evening, we were going to have an awesome time together, and it was already a great birthday because I got to spend it with Kyle. 

When we got to the beach, we set up our picnic and ate a delicious dinner of chicken salad sandwiches, hummus, veggies and i think a pickle? ;) It was actually really chilly at the beach, and I was wishing I had worn a sweater, or at least a long sleeve shirt. Kyle noticed, being the chivalrous gentleman he is, and asked if I'd like to open my present. I eagerly said yes, but was secretly a little bummed when he handed me a bag to open. It was an awesome white sweater that I had wanted from J.Crew, and perfect for the moment since I was freezing! We sat together for a bit, watching the sunset, when Kyle asked if I wanted another cookie (he knows the way straight to my heart!). I said sure. He got up and handed me a cookie from the picnic basket behind him. I turned it over, and it was a cookie in the shape of a heart, that said "Will you Marry Me?" My heart stood still. I kept thinking, this better not be a joke! By the time I finally looked up from the cookie, Kyle was down on one knee, with a ring out, telling me how much he loved me and would I spend the rest of my life with him. I couldn't say yes fast enough :) 

We called our parents to share the good news, and then headed back to Kyle's to see his parents and grandparents who had just returned from a trip to North Carolina. Perfect timing! :)

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