Friday, May 28, 2010

Planning a Wedding

I had no clue how much work and time it takes to plan a wedding. And how many decisions need to be made! We picked out the weekend of April 3rd (Easter weekend) for a few reasons...1. My spring break was the following week, perfect for a honeymoon, and no need to take days off of work :) 2. April is a much more pleasant time of the year in Florida than June or July, temperature wise 3. We just didn't want to wait that long to start our new life together! :) So once the weekend was picked out, we started in on the process of picking a location, church, reception site, photographer, food, flowers, dresses, bridesmaids, groomsmen, attire, invitations, programs, transportation, honeymoon details, etc. Thankfully we had so many people helping us, which was a huge blessing. The first thing on my list, was dress shopping (obviously :)). And I'm just now realizing as I'm writing this that the dress I picked was actually the very first dress I ever tried on! ha, they say that all the time on "say yes to the dress" (i still love watching that show). The dress was a gorgeous Alvina Valenta, and despite being on major sale due to it being a floor sample, it was still out of my price range. So Jodye and I checked out a few more places and dresses ;)

(This dresses skirt was so large it took up the entire fitting room!) So maybe we had a little fun just trying on some dresses, even ones we knew I wouldn't choose :) But in the end, it all worked out, and I got the dress of my dreams (despite it being an off-white color ;))

Once the dress was picked out, we decided on a photographer. We knew Sean from a mutual friend of mine from college. We liked his work and couldn't beat his price, so we enlisted his photographic skills before someone else could. We headed downtown to shoot engagement photos. Sean was so laid back and easy going, he made posing for a hundred pictures kinda fun :)

After the engagement photos, things seemed to go pretty quickly, visiting Frostproof to visit the church, and view potential sites for the reception. We thought we had narrowed it down to the Ramon Theater in downtown Frostproof for the reception, but Leslie thought of one more place to check first, and I'm so glad she did! We visited Noah's Ark, and knew immediately that it would be perfect for our reception. 

I could go on and on about all the other details it took to plan this weekend, but really, all that matters is that God provided everything we needed to make our wedding day a day we won't soon forget... :)

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